Looking At The Importance Of Vibration Control In Your Precision Metal Shop

4 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Precision metal parts made on machines that use tool-cutting dies need constant vibration control or parts could turn out with the wrong dimensions. While dimensional errors may be slight, parts sent to your customers may not fit into their application because of them. Learn more about how to minimize the risk of machine vibrations that can cause profit losses.

Pinpointing Types of Vibration

When considering your options for lowering machine vibrations, knowing exactly what kind of vibrations you are dealing with is important. For example, if you have a milling machine with multiple cutters, you can have forced vibrations that come from other machines nearby it. Some vibrations, referred to as transient or free vibrations, can come from a machine, but settle in the tables the machinery is sitting on. By knowing the true source of vibrations in your shop, you save money reducing it.

Considering Oscillating And Rotating Machine Motion

Machines like lathes and conveyors produce a great of vibration during operation. Parts being made on lathes are generally done so according to specific measurements. If your operators are experiencing too much vibration from oscillating motion used in part production, correct measurements can be off kilter. If your machines are automated and have conveyor systems leading from them, the vibration for conveyor rotation can also cause part dimensions to be wrong. Minimizing vibrations is vital to your production of properly sized parts. You can lower the risk of vibrations with the following:

  • Rubber mounts: Determining the type of rubber mount you need for your machinery is important. Consider whether you want mounts that will include benefits for dampening noises while also providing the sturdy cushioning against vibrations.

  • Rubber wedge mounts: In some cases, leveling is required to lower vibration levels. Wedge mounts are good choices for machines sitting on uneven flooring, like that you would find in older buildings.

  • Stainless steel mounts: If you have machinery that needs to be in a hygienic area, stainless steel mounts are the best choice for leveling and vibration reduction. Stainless steel mounts are a good choice for machines making parts that need to be dust-free and as clean possible.

Learning more about vibration in your machinery is a good idea to also help protect the investment you have in your machines. If a vibration is strong enough, it could cause expensive damage to machine parts. By learning more about how to control vibrations, you have fewer worries about replacing parts on your machines. When your machines are down, so are your profits. Consider checking out mixing equipment by Bancroft Western Sales Ltd for more information.